Supernatural. The word can make you think of something out of this world. At Chorus, we think of it as meaning both something transcendent - completely out of the ordinary- as well as something as natural as can be.
How is Chorus Different?
All Chorus products contain only 100% natural-source ingredients. Not 95% or 99%. Maintaining the integrity of nature and the amazing ingredients it offers is incredibly important to us. We want to ensure that any Chorus product you drink or put on your skin is 100% naturally derived, and unsullied by synthetics or harsh chemicals.
Chorus Skin Deep Ratings
Chorus products are registered with the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) Skin Deep product safety database. The ratings are included on each Chorus product page on this website and confirm that Chorus is one of the safest product lines on the market.
Be The Change
Chorus was created to be a force for positive change. We want safe, effective products to be available for everybody, at an affordable cost.