
Chorus Moor

Chorus Moor is a therapy grade peat, which has formed through the decomposition of herbs, flowers, grasses and other plants over many thousands of years in the pristine snow-covered wilderness of Northern British Columbia. Representing a rare find, it is of exceptional quality rivaling the famous moor deposits of Europe. Over 95% of Chorus products include the moor either in its pure form or as an extract.


Chorus Moor comprises over a hundred species of plants - all of which have been documented and some of which are extremely rare. Over time this plant matter has gradually transformed into a homegenous substance with wonderful therapeutic properties. Importantly, it has remained completely unpolluted due to its remote location many hundreds of miles away from any industrial activity.

Unlike other moor sources from Canada, the Chorus Moor does not need to be preserved using synthetic chemicals as it has a natural internal equilibrium. The only additive is distilled water which is blended in to achieve a creamy consistency suitable for facial masks, baths and internal use.

The moor is a perfect synthesis of organic substances, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, plant hormones and fatty acids. Of these the organic substances are perhaps most important as they are most readily absorbable through the skin. The Chorus Moor consists of over 80% organic material which makes it one of the most organically rich moor sources in the world.

Of the organic substances in the moor, the most important are humic and fulvic acid which are present in high concentrations. These vitally important organic nutrients engender the moor with a variety of therapeutic qualities. The significance of humic and fulvic acid for overall human well-being is becoming increasingly well documented every year.

Combined with a multitude of other biologically active components, this gives rise to a substance, created entirely by nature, with extraordinary revitalizing, purifying and rejuvenating potential.


Facial Mask: Chorus Moor achieves positive results as a facial mask when left on the skin for 5 to 8 minutes. The application produces a thermal effect which improves circulation and the absorption of the naturally present micronutrients. Likened as a miniā€“face lift, muscles tighten, wrinkles reduce in appearance, and surface layers of tired skin are exfoliated to produce outstanding results. See chorus INFUSE

Moor Bath: The moor also provides excellent results as a detoxification treatment and bath therapy. Warm baths with 170ml (6 floz) of the moor achieve gradual mobilization of body toxins. The naturally present humic and fulvic acids act as chelates which are able to bind with heavy metals and other toxins ridding the body of health impairing substances. Results include relief of sore joints and muscles, increased flexibility, reduction of swelling and improved circulation. See chorus MASQUE

Moor Drink: The moor can also be taken internally as a natural tonic for the whole body. The moor is prepared in a liquid form and is carefully sterliized. A teaspoonful of the moor drink can be taken in water or a juice up to 3 times per day. See chorus IMBIBE